Indie Pop Music

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There are thousands of songs written by thousands of people, however, not all will make people feel the same. Also, some people will listen to certain types of music because they feel a certain way. It is a way to express emotions without really having to say anything to anybody. It is also easy to come in contact with any song you would want to listen to. This makes it easier for people to deal with their issues. This essay will explain what causes people to listen to the type of music that they choose, and the effect of what happens when they do listen to them.
One commonly listened to genre is Indie Pop music. This mainly consists of artists such as Arianna Grande, Taylor Swift, Shawn Mendes, The Weekend, and many more. Those people who listen to these people can be seen enjoying the songs they produce. It is not uncommon for one to see someone listening to one of the artists start dancing. It is also not uncommon for someone to listen to these types of songs and be noticed for how they are reacting. These artists make songs that give off this feeling that just makes people get into a good mood, and they make them feel genuinely happy. …show more content…

This music is usually for those who are having a bad day or those who are exercising. Listening to this type of music seems to push people and make them work harder than softer music. People can get into the music which will cause them to get angry sometimes as well. Some of these bands and artists consist of Metallica, Black Sabbath, Slipknot, and more. People also listen to these songs for reasons such as arguments or bad days. In a way, it releases some of the pent up anger. It is a much better way to expose of those hard feelings rather than acting on

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