India's Security Challenges

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India has arrived on the global stage, celebrated for its fastest-growing economy, educated professional class, urban-based prosperity, and Bollywood-fueled cultural influence abroad. However, while some parts of the country bask in newfound affluence, others continue to toil in abject poverty. This other side of India is also plagued by violence and unrest, which increasingly targets the government. Although there is some disagreement over whether it is possible to categorize security threats as internal versus external, it is undeniable that the country faces numerous security challenges. Therefore, this essay will analyze various security challenges of India and argue that India's security challenges are primarily internal. The first part of the paper will define "internal" and "external" security challenges. The second part will present the domestic and foreign security challenges of India. Finally, the third part of the paper will argue that internal challenges are more significant than external challenges. Etymologically, security implies the absence of real or perceived threats, whether originating from internal turmoil, external sources, or incumbent economic disparities and inequalities. Over the past two decades, the understanding and definition of security threats have undergone a two-fold transformation. Firstly, the evolution of the international security environment has led to a diversification and decentralization of security threats, transcending state borders and actors, and spreading across political, economic, social, and environmental dimensions. Secondly, as a consequence, a major reprioritization of security threats followed, making non-traditional "hybrid" threats more conspicuous. In this essay, "internal security" represents the nation-state's capacity to secure its sovereign power, government, defined territory, and permanent population from all domestic threats.

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