The Common Denominator of Security and Feminism

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Security in the interdisciplinary battle.
a. Security
Security Studies are a sub-field of two wider disciplines, Military Studies and International Relations. This thesis is focused to bring a new perspective to security, a feminist insight both in the field of security studies and applied to a specific region, but first, in order to clarify the concept of security the scope of security and the instruments that ensure it will be discussed.
Buzan Barry defines security as “freedom from threats” so the scope and the instruments are quite obscure. There is Huysmans suggesting the condensing of concepts when we refer to a particular case. The main reason a definition of security is required for this thesis is that makes possible the identification of the subject of the research, and the common conceptual distinctions underlying various conceptions about security .
In the words of David Baldwin, it is questionable whether security concept is insufficiently explained or just a contested concept, and formulated a series of questions in order to define the concept, like security for whom, security for which values, how much security, by what means, from what threats, at what cost, in what time period, useful for an appropriate analytical framework but when theory and practice are put together such perspective becomes mathematical. Wolfers believes security is a concept that can be dangerously ambiguous .
Long debates outlined two confronting approaches, of traditionalists and wideners, first adherents of the realist school of thought, define security as a freedom from any objective military threat and security studies is defined, for example, by Stephen Walt as “the studies of the threat, use, and control of military force”. Tradi...

... middle of paper ... understood as emancipation and achieved, how Booth argues “by people and groups if they do not deprive others of it”. For Booth and Wyn Jones the state is not the main provider of security but one of the main causes of insecurity, during the last years far more people have been killed by their own governments than by foreign armies.
Scott Watson reconceptualise humanitarianism as a sector of security expanding the applicability of securitization theory beyond states and societies to human as referent objects, and has its procedures and logic. An existential threat to the referent object, as human life or dignity, can vary greatly depending on the security actor, it can be poverty, but also injustice as primary existential threats to large-scale loss of human life. From speech act to a pragmatic act security means philosophy, money, institutions and people.

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