Inclusivity in Software Design

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Inclusive software should take into consideration the different end users who will likely use the product. software developers, have a responsibility to ensure that this is the case. Furthermore, software products that do not take into account different users are less likely to secure a significant market share.

Software design and development is a field that requires various skills and abilities. Companies engaged in the development of software should provide an inclusive work environment where the different strengths of their employees are recognised, utilised and respected. Software development involves far more than programming skills. Personnel are required with strong communication, teamwork, attention to detail, creativity, design and problem-solving skills. Different personnel will possess these skills in varying proportions. It is the job of management to foster and encourage the development and enhancement of skills in the workplace.

In this section, we consider perspectives to increase the inclusivity of software products as well as the skills required by personnel involved in the design and development of software.


Let us now examine a number of perspectives that should be considered when designing software solutions. In most cases, these perspectives will have direct consequences to the design of the user interface.

Cultural and social perspectives

The culture of a people can be described as the set of ways of living built up over a period of time and passed from generation to generation. It is important that the beliefs and language of different cultures be considered when designing software. Similarly, the social structure of societies is influenced by their underlying culture.

How do we cater for these differences in practice? Firstly, we must understand or at least be empathetic to the needs of other cultures. It is not possible to be an expert on all cultures; however we can easily include users from a variety of cultures as part of the testing processes occurring during development. For example, in most western cultures we have a Christian name and a surname. This is not the case in many Asian cultures where a formal name and an informal name are more commonly used. Testing that includes users from the Asian culture, would quickly highlight this difference.Numbers, currency, times and dates are another common area of difference between cultures. In Australia, we express dates using day then month then year (e.g.. 25/112002). In America, they more commonly use month then day then year (e.g.. 1/25/2002). Again, those used to an alternative format, would soon encounter problems.

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