Incident By Countee Cullen Analysis

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Poems in the Light of Figurative Language A poem is a composition that contains figurative language. Figurative language is a word or an expression that is used in order to give meanings, apart from the literal one. Some of the examples of figurative language are simile, metaphor, rhythm, rhyme, hyperbole, personification, irony, symbol, etc. The presence of figurative language makes any composition effective, supportive and impactful. A poem “Incident” by Countee Cullen, “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” by Robert Herrick and “Abuelita’s Lap” by Pat Mora use figurative language to portray how happiness changes into disappointment, to express the essence of time and to depict the nature consecutively. The poem “Incident” by Countee Cullen uses figurative language such as voice, rhythm, rhyme and irony in order to portray how the happiness of a child changes into disappointment while traveling Baltimore. The line 5, “Now I was eight and very small”, tells that the speaker of the poem is a child of eight years old. The first stanza, “Once riding in old Baltimore/heart-filled, head filled with glee, /I saw a Baltimorean /Keep looking straight at me”, gives rhythm to the poem. …show more content…

The title of the poem “Abuelita’s Lap” itself symbolizes motherland. The grandmother’s lap is where we sit and grow and so is the motherland. The line 4, “from green to cactus gray” represents the surrounding, nature. The lines (1-5-9-13), “I know a place where I can sit”, shows repetition. Rhyme is used in lines (2-4), “And tell about my day, / From green to cactus gray”. The words ‘day’ and ‘gray’ are the rhyming words. Moreover, a paradox is demonstrated in lines (10-11), “And listen to a star/ Listen to its silent song”. It is a paradox because star can’t sing and it doesn’t produce any sound. The features of nature are depicted in the poem with the help of figurative

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