Incarnation Of Jesus Thesis Statement

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Introduction Made in God’s image and according to his likeness, the corruption of man tainted the works of God’s hand. Athanasius described the state of man, before the incarnation of the Word, as a perishing race. He also states that because of humanity’s sinful nature, death has gained upon men and corruption lies within them putting the handiwork of God in dissolution (section 6). Man was being drawn away from God. “For it had been better for him to be made simply like a brute animal, than, once made rational, for him to live the life of the brutes (section 13).” Thesis Statement Why was it necessary for the Incarnation Of Jesus? Providing an illustration to express God’s strong desire to draw man back to Himself, Athanasius compared the plans of God to restore mankind to the plans of a king to restore his servants. In the same manner that a king would visit and rebuke servants who had revolted so that they would not serve another king, God would do so much more to protect His creatures from corruption and being lead astray by “serving things of nought” (section 13). Also, because of humanity’s corruption, the image of God has been stained. As proposed …show more content…

He had to shed his immortality and take on the nature of man without sin so that He could stand in man’s stead and put death away from all His peers by offering Himself as an equivalent” (section 9). Athanasius claims that “of His becoming Incarnate we were the object, and for our salvation, He dealt so lovingly as to appear and be born even in a human body” (section 4). The incarnate Jesus can be described as a barrier between humanity and corruption. “For because the Word dwelling with them, even their natural corruption did not come near them (section 5). According to Athanasius, through Jesus’ teaching, He restored all that was man’s by correcting their neglect through His own Power (section

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