Inarticulate Youth Northop Frye Summary

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Education and Values of Inarticulate Youth Today
Canadian literary critic, Northop Frye once said, A student often leaves high school today without any sense of language as a structure. Frye’s essay, Don't you think it’s time to start thinking contributes to the lives of inarticulate young people in the 21st century. It is evident young people do not value crtical thiunkinf and articulate speech this is depicted through ignorance, ego and daily distractions.
Firstly, studenst remain effortless in valuing the most essential components in life because they think they are already well aware of them. Conseuquently, Studnets do not aknowldgwe the differences in skill sets and believe they are capable of carrying out tasks such as reading and wiritn …show more content…

This initial uidea stangles them down because they think they are there whenactually they are no where close. Many fdangers of inarticluiatness root from a students lack of knowledge such as failing a job intervi8ew. A student is under the assupotion that their skills are good and when it comes tiume for an interview they can not express them selves as expected because their standards are alo tlowrr for the,ms elevs tan the standards of society. Qualified young people loose opportunities because they do not ujderstand education is reuired to make a good living and takie it for granted which can result in renitence. A simple mistake like using slangs and clichés can make one loose a job they were soo close to getting and they might not know the reason their unscholarliness was not accepted because the terminiolgy they use is a result of detriment. Modern culture utilises the word thinking in the wrong context, associating it with everything the huiman mind can do. Educvation is impooirtnat because it improves the misconceptions young people have and helps them meet the standards of society such as the provincial curriculum and maintain the provincial average. Due to …show more content…

The iron curtain conitues to make young people have self pride and prevents them from valuing critical thinking because there mind is on their latest tweet. Unfortunately, this form of daily communication results in youn people being incapable of giving cioherent or effectively expressing their ideas because vioa social l media they do not need to practise uttering a single word, yet can convey their entire life through a caption or new post. As of the 21st century slang is used on a daily basis and young people do not bother thinking of what it actually means. Nonetheless, youth deem the a moutn of likes and comments on their pictuires to be their socuiak standing thye hold in society. As a result, ones selfdom proves it is not necaseery to articulate them selves in real life because their perfect self is shown pon their social media and they expect people to value them that way. The ultimate question that comes to the mind of mjourity of youth is WHATS the point when it comes to being able to express your self in real lifewbecause they have already depicted them selkves as the ideal person they want to be and think very highly oifi them selevs. Hence, social media acts as a fuel to the ego of young people where they ideally think it is okay tik show them sleves as perfect online instead of real life. Young people adapt to the speech used in various forms of social media

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