Inaccuracies Of Disney's Accuracies In The Movie Mulan

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The Widely known Disney movie, Mulan, has many accurately portrayed events and details, although at the same time has many inaccuracies. The Huns or the northern nomads from Mongolia attacked the Great Wall of China at nightfall. Referring back to the Disney movie, “The army list is in twelve scrolls, on every scroll there's Father's name.” This is showing that the empire is calling for men to serve in war. Historically backing this up, it is said that the Huns were around in the 400’s to 600AD and are located in Mongolia (Huns, 2017). Since the Huns are geographically in the same area as the Chinese empire, there is a large possibility that they could have attacked China. Whilst the story of Mulan has these truths, the movie of Mulan has displayed …show more content…

According to history in China, women had arranged marriages and were forced to marry the man her father chooses. The father had the final say on who his daughter would marry as women’s opinions were not taken into judgment (William, 2017). Females were not important to Chinese society, males were strongly respected and had higher “value”. When we look back at the Disney’s Mulan, “Fa Li, where is your daughter? The Matchmaker is not a patient woman”, Mulan is late arriving to her match maker session. The ballad of Mulan displays no evidence where Mulan goes to a matchmaker or even gets married. When it comes to the inaccuracies showcased in Mulan, there is one that is more prominent than others, women’s punishments. Referring to the Disney movie, women’s punishments are expressed incorrectly. Mulan goes to war in place of her father when she did not receive permission from her parents. “You shouldn't have to go!”… “Mulan is gone!” This is stating that Mulan left without consulting her parents first. Although, in the ballad of Mulan, there is no clear evidence that even her identity was discovered whilst she attended war, so there is no possibly that she had her life nearly taken away by a general. It is said that in ancient Chinese law, women who disobey their parents must be cut into pieces as a

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