Improving Students With Learning Disabilities In The Classroom

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In an article by J.E. Ormrod, a respected author and an expert in the field of educational pedagogy, she discusses various learning disabilities that a student might suffer from and various strategies a teacher might use to assist the student. There are more students with learning disabilities than any other category of students with special needs, so a teacher must be fully prepared to encounter a situation such as this. The teacher must be aware that a student with learning disability might have poor motor social, reading, organizational, and study skills. They might also find it difficult to keep their attention focused and to remain positive and motivated despite their difficult situation. Secondary students, in particular, will find it difficult because, although they may have improved in motor and attention skills as they aged, they will have started to deal with the typical problems of adolescence, such as peer pressure and dating, in addition to handling their learning disability. This can cause potentially dangerous emotional problems. Due to these types of issues that the student must deal with, the teacher should find to assist them …show more content…

She suggests that a teacher can assist a student by minimizing the distractions around them, such as by keeping the window blinds closed. A teacher can also incorporate different means of presenting information in a lesson. For example, instead of having a fully lecture class, the teacher can have visuals or videos, as well as providing the student the opportunity to audiotape the class. A teacher should also teach study skills and provide study aids for the students. This would be useful for both the students with learning disabilities as well as the rest of their

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