Importance Of Sexual Education

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Sexual education programmes within school based learning have long been cause for controversy, particularly in reference to which approach should be taken, what topics should be raised and at what age children should be begin to learn about sexual development and sexuality. Previously, sex education has focused on the biological development of humans however in recent years programs have shifted towards integration of sexuality and sexual health promotion in response to sexual development within children and the changing values of society. Sex education curriculum has often been the subject of debate as curriculum has varied between states and schools within Australia, where syllabus documents allowed schools to adopt the contents to meet the needs of the students and the school priorities. Recently, the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) developed a rigorous national approach to education for Health and Physical Education (HPE). This paper will argue that the new ACARA curriculum provides a comprehensive sexuality education framework to address sexual health of adolescents. Abstinence, Sex Education or Sexuality Education? The abstinence only and traditional sex education programmes, whilst the most conventional forms of education are not the most effective approach to educate young people about sexual health. The abstinence-only approach to sexual education advocates self-restraint or self-denial as the only-option and typically excludes any discussion on the value of safe sexual practices and refusal skills. Traditionally, American culture has valued the abstinence-only approach to sexual education to delay early sexual activity and reduce unplanned and unwanted pregnancies (Erkut et al, 20013)... ... middle of paper ... ...s threatening for students than sharing personal experiences, or lack thereof and further supports a safe environment. Additionally, content of the program needs to be planned and delivered in a way that goes beyond the classroom and connects to the larger social context issues in which adolescents live (Davis, 2005), which forms the connectedness dimension of productive pedagogy of teaching. When discussing topical issues, teachers also need to consider the extent to which they put their own positions and opinions forward (Barton & McCully, 2007). Whilst many teachers may believe their individual opinions hold not merit within the classroom as to not influence students thinking, research has shown that students consider themselves capable of developing their own attitudes and judgements in topical issues without influence from the teacher (Barton & McCully, 2007).

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