Importance Of Reading Books

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Reading books to young children is substantial to their language development. It allows them not only to be entertained, but to also match words to pictures. I read the Picture Book as Literature story and I found it very informational. “One role of pictures in a picture book is to enhance the meaning of a story by illustrating the words.” (Sonia Landes) Pictures are more than just an entertaining touch to the book, instead it helps children to visualize the story and to dig deeper into the context about the characters, setting, and story line. It also allows the creative mind to wonder while also listening to the story being read out loud. If a child sees a picture of a dog in a dress, they already know before the teacher reads about it, …show more content…

Children get excited about story time! They like to move around while the story is being read to them. This not only allows them to be engaged during story time, but it also allows them to learn while having fun. Teachers can pick fun books to read to the class that fit the week’s theme. An example of a good book that promotes the physical domain, but also fits a curriculum schedule, is five little speckled frogs. Instead of reading this book, the teacher can sing it while the students count down and hop like frogs to the …show more content…

Reading can be a fun language lesson for both the teacher and the students. When creating a lesson plan, think of books that you can read each day to the students. Then think of props that you can use with the specific books or even books that you can sing together while the students follow the directions given. Children learn through play and playing is fun! So story time should also be fun and laid back. Language development focuses a lot on interaction between parents, teachers, and students. Children learn from their peers and the experiences that they have. In order for children to develop new skills and abilities, they need to practice with them through developmentally appropriate activities! All of this is possible through reading to children. It is also important to remember when choosing a book to read to young children, not to choose one that is extremely lengthy or has no pictures. Instead, pick a picture book that may have a limited amount of words. There are many different approaches to the style of presenting the information. You can read the words and not show the pictures until after you ask the class questions about for example what they image the character to look like. Promote learning and growth! Language is a developmental skill that follows us throughout the rest of our life’s, it is important that we begin teaching it appropriately and in a fun way while children are

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