Importance Of Losing Weight Essay

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The most difficult thing is to make a decision that you need to lose weight. Then just start. Choose a special date. That’ll be the beginning of your new life. But still you have many questions:
1. What should I do?
2. What to eat while losing weight?
3. How to behave yourself when you are awfully hungry and others.
Сertainly, there is a set of rules and laws of natural weight loss without which observance you won't be able to achieve desirable result.
But everything isn't so terrible and difficult as it seems at first. Important to understand: you are what you eat and how much do you eat.
Obviously, daily eating of sweets, fat milk/meat products, fast food, coke and so on you will hardly manage to keep an excellent body.
Do not be afraid, …show more content…

And therefore is very tempting!

The person who just successfully lost weight, starts leaning on sweet or sausage, thinking that now is able to afford everything!

Therefore it is not need to completely give up your favorite, but harmful foods, learn to eat them in small quantities. If you sometimes eat things that are forbidden, there will be no requirement in eating much, as if it is the last time.
9. Psychology in losing weight
Weight loss process – the real psychology. Our task – to completely change a way of life, the thinking and the relation to things. You should prepare that it will be connected with some inconveniences.
Leave lazy and old habits , feel that you are in control of your life and the changes that occur in it ! You are the master of your life.
10. Keep on moving!
To be fit and cheerful, isn’t enough to follow proper nutrition, you still should keep on moving. Do something – doeasn’t matter what. Instead of lying prefer sitting, rather than to sit – walk!

The more you move, the better! When there is no opportunity for fitness, simply walk upstairs, dust, set hair! Trifles mean to weight loss much. Everything will turn

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