Importance Of Education In America Essay

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America the land of the free and brave. America is one of the greatest places you can live. Everyone can be who they want and can express themselves in any way shape or form. We have great education systems and we are given so many opportunites. If you live in America you are very blessed because other places don't have what we have. For example, In North Korea you can't leave the country or have an opinion towards the government. In the article “First Lady Says Education Equals Success”, written by McCatchy Washington Bureau. The first lady talks about how having an education is really important and we are very lucky to have people that support us. Michelle Obama states “We cannot allow even one more young person to fall through the cracks”. In other words Michelle believes that every kid is important and we need to make sure everyone takes the right path. Although, Michelle believes that no kid should be left behind, it is also on the student to put his or her part. In my opinion I think America is doing a good job just by letting girls go to school, because in other countries girls cant go to school and receive and education. Since there role is to be a housewife and …show more content…

Unlike other places as I mentioned before, where the government controls what you put in the internet and you can't criticize the government. In the article “Free Speech” written by, ACLU. The writers mention how you can say anything you want and be protected because you have that right. “Freedom of expression is the matrix, the indispensable condition of nearly every other form of freedom”. Strictly speaking, the author is saying that freedom of speech is something necessary because it's a way we can express ourselves. I think that it is also necessary because we should be able to say what we want, we aren't robots that are not allowed to express

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