Importance Of Demand Forecasting And Relevant Range In Operations Management

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A manufacturing company is a company that converts raw materials into a finished good. Their main goal is to fulfill the expectations and demands of customers. While, Service company generates revenue by providing a service to a client instead of selling a product, and don’t typically carry an inventory on their balance sheet. Service company don’t need to trace inventories, and don’t have to calculate the cost of goods sold. Service income is reported on the income statement similar to sales income for a retailer. Product, period, fixed, variable, direct material, and direct labor costs are very important in manufacturing company as they determine the overall cost of the product. Product, variable, direct material, and direct labor helps in determining cost of goods sold. Manufacturing …show more content…

Those adjustments are made by capacity management. Relevant range is important in determining the efficiency and profit of a manufacturing company. Similarly, relevant range plays an important role in operations management. It helps in making a better plan by setting a limit for production. If a production goes below or above that level then operations management come in and makes a plan to improve it. If the supply of material is affecting the level of production, then supply chain strategy comes in to find the cause of it, and then makes a strategy to fix it. Demand forecasting and relevant range are interrelated. Relevant range is set on the basis of demand forecasting. A company sets the range of production according to the demand of production. If the products are not produced within the relevant range, then it will affect the fixed and variable cost of the product and the price of a product. Price of the product has a great influence in forecasting a demand. Capacity management helps in finding the bottle neck in the relevant range, and it makes a plane to fix it. Cost behavior helps in operations management by

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