Importance Of Cell Phones In Education

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Cell phones when used responsibly aren’t always the cause of lower grades in students of any grade. Let’s be realistic, the world as a whole is in an era of advanced technology and making students stick to book work simply isn’t engaging anymore. Most kids these days have a phone which can be used in multiple ways for their benefit. In reality not all students use their cell phones in a responsible way like education. On the other hand there are still those students who use their cellphones to genuinely help them. Finally there are actually studies that prove students do actually use their cell phones to help them with work and not just for leisure activities. There are students out there who enjoy learning and know how to use all …show more content…

Almost all students have some type of smart device whether it’s a phone, tablet, or laptop. If you get them to use these things in class for educational purposes it minimizes the chance for students to do other things opposed to when you are standing at the front of the room lecturing. Freedman’s work along with the other authors supports the idea of lecturing being ineffective in current day. On average the student’s performance on exams and inventories “increased by 0.47 SDs under active learning (n = 158 studies)” allowing the chance of them failing to …show more content…

Cellphones are interactive, fun, and more comfortable with the kids especially high school students. Of course traditional ways of teaching won’t be completely ditched but as we get more and more advanced in technology, kids of the future will not want that. Most people think that allowing phones in the classroom means free use but that isn’t what teachers and students mean. There will be rules on when phone use is appropriate and what you can and can’t do on it. Cellphones can’t be given the blame for lower grades because you can ban a cellphone in class but that still doesn’t eliminate the thousands of kids who sit in a class and eat, daydream, or even sleep during instructional time. If cellphones are a distraction and cause lower grades then all distractions need to be looked at because most of them came before a cellphone and still remain to this

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