Importance Of Celebrity Endorsement

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Celebrity endorsement has a major implication in the sector of advertising (Choi & Rifon, 2007). The use of celebrity popularity assist to shape the images and create the personality of a brand in the minds of consumers (Agrawal&Kamakura, 1995) with aim to reach the highest values in marketing, called as brand equity. Celebrity endorsement has been used for a long time (KaiKati, 1987) as it is beneficial to increase brand recall and provide instant awareness (HRmars, 2014). There is careful selection process in choosing the celebrity’s personality which suitable with the products attributes to ensure the messages of advertisement reach the target audiences. Both celebrities and companies ' positions are at stake as the public perceives the
The advertisement of products sponsored by celebrity called as knowledge is spread widely to other audiences as they started to form opinions and perceptions towards the new ideas. Persuasion happens among individuals who have the same experiences towards the innovation. As they consider to either deny or accept the ideas, the new behavior emerges along with the decision to begin using the innovation or products (HRmars,
• If they are promoting the same product for different brands – 5 yes 5 no need something reliable

“It doesn’t affect my decisions because celebrities endorse everything. To me, I need something more reliable”
“A product sponsored by a person I like would affect my opinion of product, different if I didn 't”
• The occurrence of celebrity endorsed versus non endorsed advertisements by International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, Sep 2014

• A research of hundreads of endorsements shown that sales for some brands increased up to 20% upon commencing an endorsement deal (, Sep 2010). Anita Elberse, associate professior at Harvard Business School revealed an increase by 25% of companies stock on the day the deal was announced. According to Millwards Browb, the US celebrities shown in more than 15% of advertisements, and the number increased significantly in markets such as India (24%) and Taiwan (45%) (, Sep 2010).

• Instagram account @chelseaoliviaa – Indonesian celebrity with 11M followers and 1.715

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