Implications Of Entrepreneurship Education: The Importance Of Entrepreneurship

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2.2 Entrepreneurship and its relevance
Entrepreneurship has been described as a “social process involving the efforts of individuals in activities that ultimately have economic implications at a regional and or national level” (O'Connor, 2013, p.559). Through the new businesses, entrepreneurs provide solutions to the problems that exist in the society. The entrepreneurs identify opportunities, develop new businesses and thereby ‘driving the economies forward through innovation, competence, job creation and by generally improving the wellbeing of the society’ (Cuervo, et al., 2007).

The benefit of entrepreneurship is that it is a source of “business innovation and economic growth” (Ogbor, 2009 p.21) as it opens up the mind of the entrepreneur to think of new ways of satisfying the customers so that there are more economic gains from the activities. It has been regarded by governments that entrepreneurship creates …show more content…

Also, entrepreneurship is the alternative to wage employment because many organisations are cutting on the number of jobs through downsizing which contribute to a rise in unemployment levels (Bhargava(ed), 2007).

Similarly, entrepreneurship education in technical colleges aims at increasing the entrepreneurial attitude of the students to enable them to display entrepreneurial behaviours through entrepreneurial activities. Also, as the trainees in technical colleges come from different parts of the country, the entrepreneurial activities that would be undertaken in their respective locations by some of them, will reduce unemployment levels in their

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