Impact Of Immigrants On Farmer

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Immigrants Positively Impact Farmers Farming has been a way of life for many people since the settlers come to America. Without farmers, the world would not be able to function, because farmers feed the world. As many concepts and skills have become easier for American farmers,’ such as technology GPS and better crop yields, one area that makes farmers worry is the thought of not having enough work force to produce and harvest the crops. Farmers as well as the whole world will be negatively affected if immigrants are deported out of the country, because farmers primarily depend on high quality laborers to help. Immigration laws could devastate farming businesses in rural America, because immigrant workers are a huge asset to American farms. …show more content…

An article titled, “How to make America greater: more immigration” by Eduardo Porter, an avid writer for The New York Times says, “President Trump will make America smaller” (Porter, 2017, p. B1). The United States President, is trying to make the American people happy by deporting all illegal immigrants, but he does not realize how large of an asset the workers are. If American people have a problem with immigrants coming to the United States to work, then those complaining people should take a stand and hold down a steady job, so that the unfilled job spots will be taken care of. Migrant workers are humans looking for the work force just like anybody else, and these people should be treated with the same respect as anybody else …show more content…

If the farmers cannot sustain an efficient labor force, the farmer does not have any other option other than to shut down the operating business and sell out. This means even the people on government assistance will no longer need those food stamps or the EBT card, because there will not be any food supplies, clothes, or textiles available. Without migrant workers, the agriculture industry, which is the backbone of this country, would come to a sudden halt.
Immigrants not only help fill the labor force, but migrant workers also spend money here, and put money in the local, state, and federal economies. Immigrants eat, bathe, and drive vehicles that must have a source of fuel to operate. The migrant workers must pay for these types of necessities, just as a productive American would do. Migrant workers do not use government assistance, but instead work tirelessly through all kinds of weather conditions to make money and rarely complain about

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