Illegal Immigration in the United States

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Imagine you were poor; looking for a way to progress, and just a step away from you there is a mansion where food and commodity is in abundance. Every day you wish you could go inside and enjoy of the heat to get warmed up from the devastated cold weather, as well as to feed yourself and your family. Those doors from the mansion are not opened for you, instead of it; they push you away and reject you from becoming one of them. As you, there are many more people outside of that mansion going through the same circumstances as you are. Outside where you are, there are no good employments; not enough of what you need to live well, or even to survive. Unfortunately, the owners of that mansion have a very protective fence, police men and dogs to prevent people— especially poor and uneducated— to enter to that mansion. That is, you are not allowed to go in if you are not rich and educated. That mansion is United States, and those poor people dying are the illegal immigrants who crossed the border. They crossed the fence that the mansion has; they risked their lives in the desert for their families’ well being and to get a better life. It is said that illegal immigrants are criminals, because they came to this country illegally. As a hungry person outside the mansion where food was in abundance got into the mansion illegally for food, immigrants got into United States for necessity. Is it fair to penalize of robbery a poor person who got an apple without permission, from a rich person when that rich person denied it to the poor one roundly? The rich one had no compassion for the poor and hungry person; the rich person acted selfishly. This country should not act the same way, and should welcome everyone. United States can help the illega... ... middle of paper ... ...their families just to give them a better life. By having the chance of coming back and forward, bringing their families here will increase tourism, more tourism means an increase in economy, because these people will spend money here in U.S, instead of their home countries. All the Hispanics and Latinos, Canadians, Alaskans, and every country in the continent of America have the right to call themselves Americans and they should not stereotype them just because they are Hispanic or illegal immigrants. It is a mistake when some people call Hispanics names such as vagabonds, drug dealers, among other things, because to be all that does not depend on your ethnicity. United States should remember how this country was populated from the beginning. This country was supposed to be a country of freedom and equality, but they’ve forgotten their roots and oppress immigrants.

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