Identity In The Media Essay

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Effects of portrayed beauty from reality television on adolescent and young females

We are all aware that media plays one of the largest roles in transmitting messages regarding society’s standards of physical attractiveness, and reality television is no exception. For nearly 3 decades now, reality television has continued to blossom into an accepted form of entertainment in our homes. We laugh with, cry with, and pose questions about the characters who are portrayed on these shows. Many of these shows appeal to a younger audience, particularly adolescent and young adult females. Because media influences society, there is no doubt that watching reality television and it’s characters impacts those who watch it, but in what ways? Media, …show more content…

One particular area of study in this regard is that of self-identity. Psychologist Erik Erikson was a great contributor to the study of identity in the 1960’s, explaining the struggle in adolescence for one to create his or her own identity. Self-identity is how one defines herself, and it forms the basis for self-esteem. The development of a strong and stable sense of self is widely considered to be one of the central tasks during adolescence. Although identity development has the ability to change throughout one's lifetime, adolescence is the first time that individuals begin to think about how their identity may affect their lives (Steinberg, 2008). Considering adolescents and young females have been facing the issue of self-identity and self-esteem for a very long time, when you add the pressures of today’s society, it is very clear that these budding females are overloaded emotionally. It makes sense that a positive self-identity will relate to a positive self-esteem, but when teenagers have yet to grasp their self-identity, they are looking for ways in which they can identify. They turn to peers and the media. In our society today, they will turn to social media and media such as television. The majority of programming geared toward these adolescents today is reality television, so here is where these young females are finding their role models: the people influencing who these teenagers will become and how they will identify themselves. Many of these reality shows are appearance-based, such as “Keeping Up With the Kardasians” or “Jersey Shore.” When we think about these types of reality shows and the portrayal of ideal beauty, it is evident that the depiction is anything but ‘real;’ however, it is difficult for young girls trying to find themselves to see the ‘reality show’ as anything but

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