Identity In The Kite Runner

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This proposal presents a study of subjugation of individual subjects in Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns in the light of Louis Althusser’s theories. The theoretical concentration will be on Louis Althusser’s concepts of ideology, ideological interpellation and ideological state apparatuses in order to portray in what ways the novel can give us new perspectives on the development of ideology in a society. This proposal wants to represents the advancement of an individual in accepting and following a ruling ideology, makes himself as its subject and accommodates his identity to the imposed ideology. Gordan and Almutairi (2013) for instance, consider A Thousand Splendid Suns through post-colonial and feminism. They …show more content…

According to Althusser, individual subjects are production of social powers, not as independent and powerful agents with self-produced identities. This proposal is going to consider the life of Afghans as subjects under Soviets, after that under Taliban and at last Americans, as their dominant ruling ideology. Moreover, it is going to represents the effects of the ideology on individual’s identity. This research is conducted to answer some questions. Such as the role of ideology in Afghan’s lives during different periods, the effect of ideology on individuals’ identity, the way characters hails to the ideology, the role of religion in oppression and the role of patriarchy in subjugation of female characters. This research begins with sketching the background about the author, Khaled Hosseini, and the critic, Louis Althusser. Then it argues the development of Althusserian notions of ideology, ideological interpellation and ideological state apparatuses on the roles of characters as individual subjects under the prevailing ideology and the process of advancement in the way that characters hail or interpellate to their prevailed ideology and recognize themselves as their subject in these

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