Identity And Identity Essay

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Identity is generally used to define and describe an individuals' sense of self, group affiliations, structural positions, and ascribed and achieved statuses. Identity results from internal subjective perceptions, self-reflection, and external characterisations. Contrary to earlier understandings of identity as fixed and immutable, today identity is more often considered an evolving process of "becoming" rather than simply "being" (Dillon 1999:250). Individual identity can shift over time, due to personal experiences and larger social changes (Haddad 1994; McMullen 2000; Nagel 1995). Cerulo (1997) does not include religion as an identity category. As stated by (Frable 1997 & Howard 2000), carefully examine the individual and social bases of various dimensions of identity including; gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, age, physical and mental ability, and social class but neither mentions religion as an important defining aspect of individuals or groups in society.
While there has been much social scientific exploration of identity over the past decade, major reviews of ...

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