Identify And Describe The Three Different Types Of Balance In Art

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Unit Two: Text Questions
Joshua Green

Review Questions

1. What are positive and negative space?

Positive space is the area of artwork occupied by primary subjects. Primary subjects are the main attractions in the painting. Negative space is the blank areas of any piece of artwork.

2. Identify and describe the three different types of balance in artwork.

The three different types of balance in artwork are symmetrical balance ,approximate balance ,and asymmetrical balance. Symmetrical balance is when the weight of an artworks composition is evenly distributed. Approximate symmetry is when the objects in the artwork are not identical but balance has occurred. Asymmetrical balance happens when the visual weight in the artwork is not evenly …show more content…

Imagine that you want to create an artwork that creates a sense of peacefulness. How could you use the elements or principles of art to create this? I would use bright colors to liven up the piece making sure to use a combination of cool and little warm colors to give a summer feeling to it. Giving it symmetrical balance just to make it plesing to the eyes as well.

3. Choose one type of artwork and describe how you could add texture to this type of artwork. In the painting below zero I would add curving lines in the air to show how hard the wind is blowing adding wind.

4. Choose one piece of artwork from the unit. What type of balance does the artwork have? How does this balance affect the feeling or mood of the artwork? I chose the architecture of the Taj Mahal. The balance given in this art-piece is symmetrical balance. The balance gives the painting a nice and neat feeling, as if it had the attention and time of 100 artisans working on its beauty.

5. How can artists create a sense of movement in a piece of artwork? In art, we capture moments in one period of time. It would be hard to imagine something like that moving, no? Well the usage of lines help us to do so. They can be curved, straight, vertical, and horizontal. Artists use these elements to portray

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