Ideal Beauty

536 Words2 Pages

Since the beginning of human history, humans have painted as a way to portrait special events in their lives. Later on, the invention of writing came and allowed humans another way to express themselves and their feelings. During the Renaissance, Europe experienced an increased interest in these 2 types of art; but it also lead to many problems between the people that practiced them. The main problem was the question of how was beauty better portrayed, through literature or visual art. It is obvious that many agree that beauty is better portrayed through visual arts because it is a more clear and simplistic way to express the beauty of someone or something. Visual arts can also be considered a universal “language” because although there are different styles, art continues to be art and can be appreciated by everyone. Visual arts has been something around since the earliest stages of human life. Cavemen used to paint events of hunting and daily lives in caves in which they lived. Throughout history many styles of art have developed, like sculpting and photograph, but many of us can...

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