I Want To Pursue A Degree In Social Work

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Statement of Purpose As quoted by Robert F. Kennedy, “Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” This quote really resonates with me especially since I realised that even the smallest acts of kindness or concern by one can have a great impact on people’s lives. It is for this reason that I want to pursue a diploma in Social Work at Seneca College; I seek the skills and the knowledge I need to achieve my personal and career goals. I passed out from International …show more content…

I have grown through my experiences and challenges in the past year. From overcoming educational adversity to meeting new people and even learning to be independent, I have fulfilled every new challenge I have set for myself. As a social worker, I am ready to work long and hard hours. I believe that each child that I can withdraw from a negative situation is one more that can find their own potential and lead a happy life. A diploma in social work will serve as a stepping stone in altering the lives of children in an effective and positive manner. I bring with me devotion and enthusiasm for this subject. My ideals and belief in cultural awareness should allow me to become an integrated individual in an increasingly cosmopolitan society. After completing my diploma and attaining, some real quality skills at Seneca College, I would love to return to my home land as a highly skilled Social Worker. The amount of time and money that my parents are about to spend would get a real value once I come to India and invest in the area of my strength that I would gain in Canada. I intend to join India’s leading independent non-profit organisation ‘Save the Children’ and work to protect children’s rights and also provide them with health and

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