I Want To Be A Teacher

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I’ve wanted to be a teacher since I was little girl. I would always bring home books and papers that we no longer used in class, and I would play “school” with my little sister. I want to be like my teachers that have encouraged me to strive for the things I want, so I can do the same for other children. Another reason I want to be a teacher is so I can have my own classroom and decorate it the way I want and set my own rules. I want to be a good role model for the students as well. Being a teacher seems really fun, and I look forward to doing that.
From colonial times and into the early decades of the early 19th century, most teachers were men. There were, career schoolmasters, but in smaller and rural schools, the people who stood in front of the classrooms were mostly farmers, surveyors or even innkeepers. These people would help keep the school running for a few months a year in their off-season. The more educated and ambitious schoolmasters …show more content…

I’ve wanted to be a teacher since I was little girl. I would always bring home books and papers that we no longer used in class, and I would play “school” with my little sister. I want to be like my teachers that have encouraged me to strive for the things I want, so I can do the same for other children. I believe a teacher should motivate, inspire, and encourage their students to strive for success. A teacher has the responsibility to lift the students up when they are down. I believe the purpose of education is to help students prepare for the real world by helping them become strong independent citizens and by providing them with knowledge needed for future careers. I want to be a teacher for these reasons. I want to make an impact in children’s life, like many of my teachers have done for me as a student. The thought of being with children in a classroom every day makes me really happy, because I know that I’m helping them with things they will use in the

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