I Love Soccer Research Paper

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Some loves to play chess, some loves to read and some loves to travel. Everyone has their favorite activities and mine is soccer. I grew up half of my life in Africa, many of my friends played soccer during and after school. This is when I first experienced soccer and realized the benefits I learned from playing it in my life. Children do play soccer in Korea, however I played table tennis or tennis rather than soccer. I remember the first time touching the ball using my body. It was very awkward for me because I was used to using my hand with a racket. When it comes to sports, I become really competitive and hate losing. My friends teased me when they saw me playing soccer for the first time. Due to that, I decided to become better. I got a ball and started feeling the ball with my feet so that I can get used to it. I found myself that I improved and became the best at soccer compared to my old days after a year playing and practicing with my friends. Through this I learnt that if I have the passion, will and the effort to improve at a particular activity, the hard work that I gave will not betray me. Times …show more content…

I met new friends who are passionate about soccer. I joined the soccer team in order to contribute and give better results. This is where I first learnt how real soccer is played and how important the role each player is given. I learnt that sports like soccer requires more teamwork compared to other sports due to the number of the players in the team. Table tennis and tennis do not require teamwork unless when we play double because it is a one man game, therefore I had no idea about teamwork. I found that working with players who each have different minds is not easy at first but as I practiced with the players I realize each player’s strong and weak points and we each give advice about it. Our coaches also helped me shape myself to become a better player by complimenting and giving

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