I Love Monologue

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Your P.O.V I woke up in (c/n)'s arms. I tried to pry his arms off of me without waking him up... I failed. He woke up, a confused expression plastered on his face. But as his gaze landed upon me, it had softened. "What is it?" He would ask with a cool yet sweet voice of his while caressing my cheek. "Nothing, I'm only getting up." I replied. He let go of me, got up, and walked out. I got up as well and stretched, mimicking the sound of a whale. (C/n) was a very sweet person, he accepted every flaw of mine, would protect me no matter what, and do anything for the sake of my happiness. I walked out of the room, only to walk into a room of delicious aroma. You looked at (c/n) as he cooked breakfast for the two of you. You had noticed something, however. "Hey (c/n), where are your parents?" He smiled brightly at you as he lifted his gaze from the (f/f). "They're overseas," he returned his gaze to the food. Even though his face presented merriment and joy you could also see the sorrow in his eyes and as well as regret. You knew that he wouldn't be comfortable talking about it, so you respected his boundaries. You both ate breakfast, not a word. The both of you loved each other's company, even if there wasn't anything to say. A sudden noise broke the comfort of that …show more content…

I could hear her talking. Or actually groaning in disgust, I believe. She came back out to finish breakfast. Curious, I asked "Who was that?" Which, she only replied with a "Nobody." I finished first and she finished shortly after. After she was done she headed towards the bathroom. I noticed that she left her phone on the table. I picked it up thinking that I would give it to her after she was done. Her phone turned on, due to the motion sensor. I saw a number in her phone texting her. It didn't have a contact so I suspected it as a wrong number. So, I texted the unknown person telling him that he has the wrong number. He responded back only a few seconds

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