I Ll Tell You How The Sun Rose Rhyme Scheme

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As many people know, Emily Dickinson lived a life away from society itself. She even remained in her bedroom for many years of her life, rarely going anywhere else for days on end. This poem of hers, “I'll Tell You How the Sun Rose,” is an excellent example of the many themes and writing styles that her poetry offers. The four stanzas in this particular poem show us many examples of theme, writing style, and symbolism then are common in not only this poem, but in many of her other writings. In the first two stanzas of the poem, some images that are described and seen are the sun rising “A ribbon at a time”, steeples swimming in amethyst, birds starting to sing, and “The hills untied their bonnets”. The main theme of these first stanzas are the sunrise and the theme of waking up in the morning. The sunrise theme is shown in a large amount of Dickinson’s poems. One line in the first stanza, “ The news like squirrels ran.” is an example that symbolizes the busy life that we have. Another example of this type of nature symbol is when Dickinson mentions “the bobolinks begun” in the second stanza. This example symbolizes once again, the world …show more content…

In this poem the theme takes a turn, now telling the reader about a sunset, and the time of day in the evening when people get home from work and school, and the world returns to sleep. One line in the stanzas, “... there seemed a purple stile, which yellow boys and girls were climbing all the while…” tells us about how the yellow rays of the sun disappear behind the clouds when the sun sets in the evening. This is yet another interpretation of the symbolism in the poem. The lines “A dominie in gray Put gently up the evening bars, And led the flock away…” tells us about how the evening leads the sun’s rays or “the little yellow boys and girls” back home. This symbolizes the sun

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