I Hate The Experiences That Shaped You Research Paper

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Andrea Dykstra once stated, “In order to love who you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you”. This is a quote that has helped me during some of the most unforgettable life experiences that I’ve encountered. To be quite honest, just writing about it makes my heart break once again. When I was in the fifth grade, I experienced something that no child of that age should ever have to go through. I lost one of the most important people in my life. I lost my role model, my best friend, and my only living grandfather who I called “Papa”. My grandfather was the only family member at the time that I felt like I really connected with. We both had a love for airplanes and flying itself, we both were fascinated by lighthouses, we loved …show more content…

I wasn’t prepared for something so traumatic. I had always pictured my papa in the stands at my high school graduation, getting to meet my first boyfriend, helping me learn how to drive for the first time, attending my college graduation, and most importantly, watching my walk down the aisle. I hadn’t prepared myself for the realization that he could very possibly miss every single one of those milestones in my life. It was hard for me to accept the fact that he was gone, and I still find myself wondering why everyone else my age was given the opportunity to have their grandfathers watch them become the adults that they helped to create. Yes, losing my papa was the most heartbreaking things I have ever experienced in my life so far, but I also believe that it has taught me some very valuable life lessons. Losing my grandfather has taught me that life is short and unpredictable; you never know what it’s going to throw at you. So, it is important to make the most out of it. We shouldn’t be afraid to take chances, ask questions, or anything of that nature because we will never know when our last day will be. Losing my grandfather has also taught me how much just one person can impact your life and that we shouldn’t take that for granted. My grandfather impacted my life and taught me more life skills than anyone I know and I took that time I had with him for granted. I assumed he would always be there when I needed him, but life threw that curve ball right when I wasn’t expecting

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