I Dwell In Possibility Emily Dickinson Analysis

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Transcendentalism Mini-Project
Person: Emily Dickinson
Poem: ”I dwell in Possibility” – (466)

”I dwell in Possibility” was actually a poem about Emily Dickinson, at the time she was alive, she didn’t really fit in. She didn’t have a husband or kids, and just wanted to live life her way, so she began poetry. The point is, Emily didn’t write ”I dwell in Possibility” for the sole purpose of writing poetry, she wanted to challenge the narrow-minded society around her. Emily wasn’t down to Earth with puritanical values, and society. So, she wrote a poem that embraces one's ability, and showed how her voice was distinctly American. Referring back to the Declaration of Independence, of course, to which all men are created equal, and have equal opportunities. …show more content…

I get ready, go to school, do whatever extracurricular activity I have for the day, homework, hit the hay, and repeat. I’m sure my classmates feel the same, and it’s almost like we are in a box. A box that doesn’t require an immense amount of strength to break, but we choose to stay in it for the sake of comfort. “I dwell in Possibility” showed me that any box could be broken, all you have to do is expand your mind, to be able to understand that there is life around the towns we normally live in. It was almost like a huge slap in the face when I stepped foot in New York for the first time ever alone, I thought to myself, “This really exists.” To which I learned that the only person that can make my life worthwhile, is myself. We all have a brain for a reason, and it’s up to us what we decide what to do with it. Emily Dickinson decided to challenge society with poetry, and change the way people think. We are who we are, because of comfort. We choose to stay in this comfort zone, because we are used to it. Unfortunately, the only way to know that there's a lot more to life than just school, is to get out of this comfort zone. Don’t live the same life everyday, there’s just too much in this world to do, even as teenagers. Everything you call life, was built by people no smarter than

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