I Carry Your Heart With Me Analysis

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“I Carry Your Heart with Me”- E.E. Cummings “I Carry Your Heart with Me” has a deep meaning that can be interpreted differently by each individual. I believe the broad meaning is meant to interpret the connection that you can have with someone, that our souls connect to kindled spirits, and to those that we love. The first portion of the poem, “I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart) I am never without it (anywhere I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling)”. I believe that this means when we connect with someone on a deep level, whether it be a friend, partner, spouse, family member, or multiple people, that we can be connected for life and they are with us no matter where we are. …show more content…

We find ourselves feel the same way, interpreting situations the same way, we think of each other at the same moments, and so on. This poem is exactly what my sister is to me. She is a part of me, and we are truly connected.

Others may not agree with my argument, that we are all able to connect with others so deeply, but I interpret this poem, that it is meant to show what deep connection that some may experience with others. Perhaps, individuals can go through out life never having such a connection with another. I hope that most are able to find someone that they love, and cherish. There is nothing better in this world then to have someone that you can always rely on to be there no matter the circumstances. The second paragraph, “no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) I want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true) and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you”. I truly believe that in life and after life that our loved ones stay connected with us. I interpret the second paragraph, as E.E Cummings saying that we can in fact become one another worlds. Our souls can connect, and we can truly live our lives for each other. It is describing a beautiful

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