I Am Part Of A Group Analysis

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We go about our daily lives and never really take a break. We never stop to think what am I doing? How am I being influenced? Am I who I am? Everything that we encounter during the day is printed in our brain and it influences us or makes us think even if it is a split .5 second thought. I never stop to think about these things. While reading this chapter, I started to think about all the people I deal with every day. I started to think about all the thing I do during the day. I never considered myself part of a group of any sort. However, after stopping to think for a second about groups and what my everyday life I realized I am part of severely groups! Groups are like cliques. They have two people or more who share four different things. …show more content…

For instance, I am in a huge group. I am a student at UTD. I am in a group with the rest of the students at UTD. We share our enrollment at UTD as membership, we sit in class or communicate online as interaction, we have the same goal of wanting to graduate with a degree, and we conform to norms. We go to school, sit in class, we stay quiet typically in class, we stay quiet in the library typically because other people are studying. Those are just normal actions that could be considered our norms. We do not need to be told to go to class or to get a good grade because we all suffer the consequences of what happens if we do not. So, we all have our independence, but we also have our rules and norms that we follow as students at UTD. When you stop to think about it you will be shocked to see how many groups you are in. So, opening our eyes to our groups is interesting but what makes us part of those …show more content…

We have memberships to all kinds of things. I am married to a man in the military, so I have a membership into the military life. I work at a clothing store called Cato Fashions. So, I have a membership as a Cato employee because of my work. Membership is basically marking your territory. You are showing that you are apart of something, you belong to something, and you match up to the other person who is apart of that same something. (Delamater et al. 440) However, just because you have a membership doesn’t make you completely marked into a group. I have a membership to the YMCA. However, I have no time to go the YMCA. So, I do not consider myself apart of that group because I do not go to the YMCA. That leads me to

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