I Am Not Confused

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I Am Not Confused Straight, attracted mostly to people of the opposite sex or gender. Gay, the phrase used mostly by men, attracted mostly to people of the same sex or gender. Me? Bisexual. Attracted to both men and woman. Most say that bisexual individuals are confused. Stating that bisexuals could simply “pick one” and that is not that case. Yet bisexuality is not confusion, it is not a refusal to pick one gender over another, it is merely being secually attracted to both genders. Discovering your sexuality is difficult. Figuring out you like something different than the “norm” is even harder. Through a great support system from your friends, family, and employers, identifying yourself through sexuality is a much more smooth transition. Noticing that I was a little different than my other peers came as a shock. It started when I strange feelings I have never felt for a friends of mine in middle school. This was the moment I …show more content…

I truly believed these stirrings inside me would only ever be for her. Or if this tenderness for her could have been a fluke thing. Until it happened again in the ninth grade, except this time feelings were reciprocated and it went somewhere. Introducing my first girlfriend Miyah Stewart. Having a girlfriend was very strange and hard at first. In society you are taught how a man treats a woman, not how a woman treats her partner who is also another woman. This felt almost wrong and I wanted no one to know. After being together for a month I quickly learned that if you are ashamed of what you are and who you are with no one else would respect it. During the course of our relationship, Miyah and I received many derogatory, inappropriate, and disrespectful comments. Being that I was embarrassed, I never stood up to people when they made these remarks, causing me to lose my girlfriend and almost losing her as good

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