I Am Malala Sparknotes

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What was Malala Yousafzai’s purpose in her life? The book I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai and Patricia McCormick is about how Malala wanted to give girls the freedom to go to school and learn. She went through hard times to fight for girls education, like protesting, and facing rejection from other people towards her. Her family supported her through the long journey. Malala came up on television, won awards, and made speeches. “ Let us pick up our books and pens, they are the most powerful weapons.” She was a brave woman.
In Malala’s book, the “who” (part of the five W’s) is Malala. Malala was born on July 12, 1997 in Pakistan. Malala has her mom, dad, and her two brothers called Khushal and Atal. Malala went to an all girls school called the Khushal School. She is double-jointed and can crack her knuckles on her fingers and toes. Malala likes cupcakes but not candy and hates eggplant, green peppers, but loves pizza. She is also a Pashtun member and her parents are from mountain villages. One of Malala’s favorite TV shows was called Shaka Laka Boom Boom, and was about a boy who had a magic pencil. Malala wished she had the same magic pencil as the boy on the TV show. She would also make shoe box dolls in her spare time. …show more content…

One day Malala was coming home from school on the bus. Her brother was supposed to go with her but he was late and decided to climb up on the bus step while it was moving. The bus driver stopped the bus and asked Malala’s brother what he was thinking to do such a thing. Malala’s brother said that he was late to go home with his sister on the bus and decided to climb on. The bus driver told him to get in the bus, but he didn’t. He instead wanted to walk home since the bus was full of girls. As the bus started to move again there were two people who stopped the bus and climbed a board. One of the men asked the bus driver if he knew where Malala

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