I Am Malala Sparknotes

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In the book, I Am Malala, Malala Yousafzai and Christina Lamb tell the story of Malala’s life and her shooting. Malala, a young girl living in Swat Valley, Pakistan, stood up for her and other young girl’s right to education and she was shot by a member of the Taliban because of it.
Malala was born on July 12th, 1997, into a poor, but very loving and kind family. Her father was Ziauddin Yousafzai and her mother was Tor Pekai Yousafzai. For most Pashtuns, having a daughter is not a very good thing, as daughters as seen as not as superior as sons, but from the very first day Ziauddin loved his daughter more than anything.
Ziauddin named Malala after Malalai of Maiwand, the greatest hero of Afghanistan. She marched onto the battlefield of thousands of Afghans fighting the British. She saw the Afghans were losing and told the soldiers if they do not die fighting, they will be saved as a symbol of shame by their God. Ziauddin wanted Malala to be very brave and inspiring, just like Malalai.
Ziauddin was a very outspoken man who believed that you had to speak up for what you want or you will never get it. He came a poor and unstable family, so he spent the rest of his life trying to become successful and make a difference in his country by building schools and providing education to young children. He was very involved in politics …show more content…

Ziauddin was devastated. The bullet had gone through Malala’s forehead, not her brain, and carried into her left shoulder. Shortly after, Malala was transferred to Combined Military Hospital in Peshawar. In Peshawar, the doctors took her for a CT scan, revealing the bullet was very close to the brain. At this point, it was not safe to operate, but eventually her brain swelled so much that they had no choice. During surgery, part of Malala’s skull was removed and placed inside her stomach to preserve the bone. They also removed the bullet during this

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