Hypnopedia In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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The brave new world has a goal of achieving complete stability, which is why it is necessary to demand productivity in the nation. This society uses sleep-learning, or hypnopedia, to increase human achievement (Huxley, Brave New World 33). According to the findings of Austrian neurologist Dr. Poetzl, the subconscious mind takes in more than what is seen or heard (Huxley, Brave New World Revisited 305). Although people do not consciously learn during sleep, sleep-learning is still possible. Because of this, the use of hypnopedia is feasible.
The new world uses hypnopedia to manipulate the core beliefs of citizens to prevent conflict in the society. This especially applies to the people of the lower class. To reinforce their societal rank, a voice repeatedly gives messages to the lower-caste people during hypnopedia. As stated by Huxley:
In the Brave New World, no citizens belonging to the lower class ever gave any trouble. Why? Because, from the moment he could speak and understand what was said to him, every lower-caste child was exposed to endlessly repeated suggestions, night after night, during the hours of drowsiness …show more content…

Unlike the new world, the Savages do not have these advancements in human growth. Dr. Shaw, a doctor in Brave New World, explains that “‘you can’t allow people to go popping off into eternity if they’ve got any serious work to do. But as she hasn’t got any serious work . . .’” (Huxley, Brave New World 143). As Dr. Shaw is speaking, he reveals that Linda, an elder from the Savage Reservation, should die as she is too old and, thus, not fit to contribute to society. Although aging is a natural process, it creates health concerns. Therefore, people must be young and healthy so they can be beneficial to the workforce. The drastic measures to get rid of the elderly make it clear that societal stability requires

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