Huxley Brave New World Marxist Analysis

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In his text Brave New World Aldous Huxley imagines a society genetically engineered and socially conditioned to be happy. This society is created with each person being assigned a social strata applied to everyday society. Huxley shows the issues of class struggle from the Marxist perspective when he writes about the oppression of class struggles, and religion is the opiate of the people. How people are entitled to be blithe in their workplace and the way society are entitled to live. The creation of a civilization of sterilization. Huxley states “ For of course some sort of general idea they must have , if they were to do their work intelligently though as little of the one, if they were to be good and happy members of society as possible” (Huxley 4). People are not authentic human they are being created to stay young to be able to work and be satisfied to sustained in the drug “soma”. The gammas, epsilons, deltas are runned by the alphas, and the betas. As the classes are being controlled they get many beneficials and are to remain to work for the upper classes. To create what is a perfect individual. …show more content…

Hall says “ Texts are human creations, revealing many faults, fears, attributes, and attitudes of the creators; obviously those creators always belong to specific economically” ( Hall 79). The creations of authentic human to be able to have young people and have beneficials that get them to be happy as towards what they do. To work for what is known as the “ Aristocracy “ which are in charged of the proletariat, and the bourgeoisie. Just like in Brave New World they have what is known as the alphas, betas that control the delta , gammas, epsilons. They do not have a god and their society is runned on

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