Huntington’s Chorea

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This paper will research the genetic disease Huntington’s Chorea. This paper will look at the main causes of the disease, what the main effects/symptoms of the disease are, where the disease is mainly found, if there is any cure/ treatment for the disease, ands what research is going on about the disease. In the greek language, chorea means “to dance” (Huntington’s Chorea, 2007). This term help describe what a person with Huntington’s goes through. According to Huntington’s disease (n.d.), a person may experience a handful of symptoms before they actually experience motor problems and other symptoms. All the symptoms will be covered in this paper. This paper will look at all the items listed above, as well as delve deeper into the disease Huntington’s Chorea.

The patient is middle aged. Through test and personal experience, he knows he has Huntington’s disease. He slowly starts developing symptoms of Huntington’s. He begins experiencing clumsiness. Then slowly he starts hallucinating. He starts losing all sense of awareness. Then, he loses his motor abilities. He can barely do anything for himself. This is accompanied by consistent seizures. After all the pain and suffering he has been through, he is awarded with death (Huntington’s disease, n.d.). As the early physician George Huntington stated, "the hapless sufferer is but a quivering wreck of his former self"(Huntington’s chorea, 2007). Early in time, people did not know what caused Huntington’s disease. They just knew that if one of their family members had it, there was no hope for them. They didn’t even bother to go to a doctor or physician. They knew that ultimately, the person would die a painful death. Only recently in the 20th century have scientists began to unders...

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...rom Genetics Home Reference website:
Huntington disease. (2014, January 13). Retrieved January 21, 2014, from Genetics Home Reference website:
Huntington’s chorea. (2007). In World of scientific discovery. Retrieved from Gale Science in Context database. (Accession No. CV1648500306)
Huntington’s disease. (n.d.). Retrieved January 20, 2014, from Medline Plus website:
Huntington’s disease: Hope through research. (2013, December 5). Retrieved January 20, 2014, from National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke website:
Huntington study group. (2013). Retrieved January 21, 2014, from Huntington Study Group website:

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