Hunger Games Catching Fire Book Report

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The Hunger Games

The Hunger games movies and books have become a BIG hit! With millions of fans, stores full of merchandise, and fan pages with enough members to meet the entire population of New York City, Suzan Colin’s Hunger games trilogy books have climbed to the top of the shelf!

In September 2006 Suzan Colin’s “the hunger games” came out, and instantly became a New York Times best seller! Suzanne Colin states that her righting ability and inspiration were caused by the fact that she did not own a TV when she was younger, but had 1000’s upon 1000’s of books, and read all the time! She states that the hunger games was based on the gladiator games, she states that the books are teamed of gladiator games because in the gladiator games you need, some sort of vicious government, people fighting to the death, and people being forced to work for the government. Can you see the resemblance? …show more content…

Fans were waiting in line for hours upon hours, just to perches this exquisite work of the literal world! Bringing in $409.4M dollars, the book was amazing! In 2010 her third, and in my opinion best, book came out, with sales through the roof and millions of built up fans, Suzanne Collins was exhilarated in the power of her success!

Suzanne Collins states that her main inspiration for the hunger games was the fact that her father had been in the Vietnam War and she had been brutally frightened for his safety. She also stated that back in 2004 she had been sitting in bed late at night, channel surfing when she passed a game show were kids would win a million dollars, a bachelor, or a car. Then she passed the new station, which was talking about the irak war, she states that the two just sort of merged together into a horrible parallel reality, and the hunger was

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