Humorous Wedding Speech: How To Get A Husband

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Ever since you were little you have been planning your wedding. A big princess ball gown, horse drawn carriage in a small white church. You meet your soon-to-be husband in high school. You stay together and marry after college. You are already financially stable, able to afford a white-picket fenced house. Later, three kids and two Golden Retrievers. You vacation in the Vineyard and grow old together. Sounds perfect, right? Wrong! No one tells you how to get there. No one tells you the countless boyfriends, tubs of ice cream and romance movies you'll go through. How do you know someone is 'the one'? I don't want to go through countless men just to find the perfect one. I don't want to waste time when I could be with the right one. I don't want o go through Ben and Jerry's and binge on romance movies every time I break up with a boy. Theres no step by step guide on how to get a boyfriend, it just clicks. Being in love is a wonderful thing but I don't want to be reminded about my ex everytime I hear or see something about them. …show more content…

It's not that he might not be good enough for me but honestly I'm selfish. I want someone who has the same interests, believes in the same things, knows I have a crazy freaking schedule. However I can never have it all. If a guy asks me on a date I say no and forget about him. I want my first real boyfriend to be perfect and that's selfish and wrong. I know when I do find the right guy he wont be picture perfect but perfect for me. I'm scared I'll screw up and get my heart broken and not be able to piece it back together. All though I feel like if I was to find the right one, I'll let him slip through my

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