Humorous Wedding Speech From The Father Of The Bride

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"So the other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord!" But he said to them, "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe." (John 20:25 NIV) "You should have been there!" Most of us have had that experience where we missed it. We missed the partry of the year,or "the greatest night ever" or an incredible event. And when we gather with the lucky ones who were there we inevitably hear, "You should have been there!" It's not that we didn't want to be there, you understand. But we can't be everywhere, as much as we would like to be. We have responsibilties in life and duties to attend to that keep us from being everywhere. And often those responsibilites keep us from being where we would really like to be, and we miss the great event. Just a few weeks ago I met with some friends who attended an, apparently, incredible seminar that I really wanted to attend. Unfortunately it fell on a day I had to perform a wedding. Oddly enough the bride and groom were unsympathetic to my plight. So I msseid the seminar. …show more content…

We had to work. We had a prior comitment. We'll get over it. but have you ever had one of those "You missed it events" that you could have attended, but you simply didn't go? Maybe you were too tired. Or the game was on and you decided to stay in instead? Maybe that left over pizza in the fridge and 20 hours of watchign Netflix was calling your name. Then you get on social media and see all the fun your friends were having. You see a once in a lifetime event unfold before your eyes and you missed it simply because you didn't attend. "You should have been there! Where were you?" You kick yourself for your poor

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