Humorous Wedding Speech

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Hello beautiful bridesmaids,

We are 5 weeks and counting until the big day!!!!!!! I can't (and yet somehow I can) believe that it is almost here. I am so excited to have you all stand beside me on this special day. Below are some points I would like to remind you of:

- I have confirmed that all of you picked up your dresses. Alterations should be underway so that you don't have to pay rush charges.

- Shoes for the dresses should be black, nude, or blush.

- Hair and makeup will be done by a professional that will come to the hotel. Please make sure that you arrive with dry hair and a clean face. Your hair doesn't have to be dirty if you don't want, but your hair might hold better for the updo if it is. Dirty = 1-2 days with NO straight ironing. …show more content…

I'm not trying to be a bridezilla dictator, but I do like uniformity. I like pictures where the girls are all wearing the same thing and it is their own beauty that makes them unique, because you all are so freaking beautiful! Please don't wear necklaces since the cut of your dress doesn't really lend itself to it. Bracelets and rings are ok.

- Attached are the draft timelines for the wedding and the ceremony. Please make sure that you RSVP to the rehearsal dinner.

- I know that two of you have prior commitments, like graduating from law school (!!!!!!!), so I understand that you might not be able to make it to the rehearsal or dinner. With that said, everyone else should be there to make sure that the day runs smoothly and to also calm my nerves. If you can't tell, my anxiety is a little high right now.

- I have got two rooms at the hotel. After dinner ends at 8, I thought we could "girl out" for a little bit and then head to bed so we don't have puffy eyes. If you plan on staying at the hotel with me, which I hope you all do, please respond to this email. It will be 20 minutes fro the

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