Humorous Wedding Speech

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“A best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have,” Sarah Parker quoted. Now isn’t that the truth! Who knew I’d be standing up here today making a toast to my best friend who’s about to get married. For those of you who may not know me, I’m the maid of honor and the bestfriend of this beautiful bride. First, I want to start off by saying, ya know every once in a while...two people meet...sometimes for a reason others not for a reason, and sometimes you just know it’s meant to be. You know right in that moment, you’re meant for each other. No matter what the world may throw at you two, you’re bound to stick together. I’m so glad to be apart of both of your lives and see where time takes you. So, it’s crazy how time flies. Here I am standing here thinking of all the memories we’ve made and are about to make. You are going to become the most perfect wife along with the best mother some day I just know it. I just want you to know that I’m so proud of you and that I’m honored to be apart of this special day with you. I wouldn’t trade standing up here for anything. …show more content…

it feels like it was just yesterday when we were little kids running around the house playing tag with neighborhood kids not having a care in the world. We would be outside from sun up to sun down. We could make a fun day out of anything whether it was: playing house when we were little or riding bikes around the neighborhood, or even walking over to Family Express to get slushies. Eventually those days led to going to the beach, spending the night at each others houses and staying up all night talking. Those nights were the best nights when we’d stay up and talk about everything and anything. Nothing else mattered back in the day. We were just kids who wanted to have fun. Now we have to grow up and take on the responsibilities in

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