Humans Resources Job Description

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Mentoring and counseling are very important aspects when it comes to management of human resources in an organization. They are also helpful when it comes to assessing who is to be appraised at various levels in the organization. Counseling is considered as a reactive approach to management that aims at helping the organization to achieve the desired productive level. Counseling can be initiated by the individual who requires to be counseled or a counselor. It essentially assumes that there is some certain amount of deficit that requires to be filled. In essence counseling is helping an individual who is already in a crisis problem. Mentoring on the other hand, entails the personal development of a relationship that aims at enabling developing a synergy, having conversations that reflect on personal experience there by assisting in decision making. In other words, mentoring is managing a relationship that encourages, nurtures, teaches and offers respect that is mutual and aims at responding to the needs of the mentee (Tenenbaum, Crosby & Gliner, 2001).
This paper will focus on the two aspects in relation to human resources management highlighting the various differences and similarities that relates to the two concepts. In addition, the application of various techniques in appraising of staff in an organization will be discussed as well as the impact of poor mentoring and counseling techniques. The better ways of improving the techniques employed in staff mentoring and counseling will be discussed with particular life experience and examples provided if need be.
Counseling is the encouragement of an individual towards a particular desired direction so as to help the person from the problem they are in. In relation to human resour...

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...ovement was impressive. In my opinion there should have been training on better marketing strategies so as to improve the sales as well as increased outlet points (Erdogan, 2003).
In conclusion, mentoring and counselling are very important aspects in overall organisational developments and growth. It is through proper mentorship and counselling programs that the organisation is bound to make progress in productivity and even profit making as well as individual employee’s satisfaction. Staffs appraisals are also dependant on how best an employee is mentored and that would automatically affect their output at the workplace. There is therefore need for the human resources management team to put into consideration and ensure that there are proper mentoring and counselling sessions and programs in their various organisations so as to ensure success in the organisation.

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