The Features of Key Recruitment Documents

1951 Words4 Pages

The Features of Key Recruitment Documents

Before a business starts recruiting new employees the human resources

department compiles a job description and person specification for the

specific job they have a vacancy for. The job description gives

potential candidates a taste of what is expected of them in the job.

The job description is also used after the vacancy has been filled to

ensure that the job is being carried out properly.

The person specification is focused on the applicant and gives a

description of the type of person that would be ideal for the job. The

person specification has to fit with the company’s culture so they

ensure that the person that they recruit is likely to get on in the


Advertising also has a vital role when it comes to recruiting. To

ensure that they get adequate responses companies must ensure that

they are advertising in the right places. The human resources

department has the choice to advertise internally within the firm or

externally in the surrounding areas. Where companies advertised

depends on whether they are looking for employees internally or

externally. For example, if a firm wanted a person from within the

organisation then posters in and around the workplace would suffice.

However, if the company wanted people from surrounding areas then

advertising in local newspapers would be the way forward. Below is a

list of the most common place that businesses advertise job vacancies:

ü Local job centres are an ideal place to post job vacancies as they

attract a varied types of people

ü Newspapers can cover large areas and are read by many people daily.

A firm can expect to get many responses from this type of advertising

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