Humanitarian Experience For Youth Essay

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Imagine traveling to another country, perhaps a beautiful island like Fiji, perhaps an exotic country like Brazil. Imagine being immersed in a totally different environment, culture, and language. Imagine being able to make a difference in the lives of those in poverty while still getting to sightsee, explore, and try new things. These things are easier to imagine than you think, because through the Humanitarian Experience for Youth these things are extremely possible. Humanitarian Experience for Youth offers the opportunity to change your life while changing the lives of others. Through your service with Humanitarian Especially for Youth
(H.E.F.Y.) you will help those in high poverty areas improve their lives while learning about their
culture …show more content…

The greatest thing of all though is that you will get to do all of this while making a huge impact that will make a difference in the lives of so many people, including yours. HEFY serves in areas with large amounts of poverty. While on the expedition participants help build or improve facilities such as homes, schools, medical centers, nurseries, or care facilities for the disabled. This type of service helps in a more lasting way because it provides lasting opportunities for the people being served. For example, building a school gives these poor children the opportunity to get an education they would not otherwise have. By getting this education they are then able to get better jobs and make educated choices that affect their everyday lives. Building medical facilities helps them get care they do not otherwise have access to and helps prevent the spread of disease and lower mortality rates. A simple nursery provides a place for parents to send their children for childcare so that both parents can work to provide for their family. Facilities for the disabled help provide care for those …show more content…

The trip last around sixteen days and offers the trips on saturday and church on sunday. This means that most trips have twelve days of service and four days off. In addition to these days off, there are family home evenings (monday night activities with the family to strengthen family bonds and grow spiritually as a family) in a the home of a local family, daily devotionals, and daily scripture study. There is also a trip to the Latter Day Saint temple on the island. (HEFY is a Latter Day
Saint based program but also encourages youth of any religion to join the trip.) These expeditions last longer than the average vacation while costing, cost half the price of the same trip individually, offers a majority of the cost back through taxes, and offers opportunities not usually given. These expeditions also offer more than most vacations because they involve more interaction with the locals and more opportunities to be immersed in the culture of the community. HEFY is more beneficial than other humanitarian trips because it is specifically for youth at an age where it will make a great impact in their lives. Youth participants are ages

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