Human Trafficking Thesis

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Human Trafficking Slavery supposedly ended with the Civil War; however, it is still going on today. Now it has morphed into a sexual transaction with huge economic gain involved. False promises are made to these children and women, promises of a better life, but they are sold, abused mentally, sexually, and physically, and sometimes wind up dead – cast off like a piece of trash. Human trafficking is big part of the American economy today, which lures predators to seduce more people. There many causes to human trafficking, the predator fills the weak-minded with false promises. The predators will offer a low income family or parent an amount of money for their child or children, promising them a job and saying it’ll help their poverty. Runways are the main target, runaways are weak-minded, and predators will fill their head with false promises and show them love that they’re craving. Eventually the predator will destroy the innocent runaway and start abusing them, after the process it done the traffickers will eliminate the runaway or sell them for a large profit. Illegal immigrants play a big role in human trafficking because they’re looking for freedom and the predator will promise them a better life and money. Human Trafficking has a repetitive cycle with lies and false promises. “Human …show more content…

As Hillary Clinton US secretary of the states in 2011 stated “the problem of modern trafficking may be entrenched, and it may seem like there is no end in sight. But if we act on the laws that have been passed and the commitments that have been made, it is solvable” “Up for sale” (Behnke, 63). They have many programs offered to the people that’s been trafficked. If the victim isn’t a citizen of the United States, they’ll be able to stay but they have to get a government paying job on a special card, the only thing is they have to testify against the

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