Human Trafficking Thesis

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Human Trafficking
"If you think slavery is a thing of the past, think again. Millions of people around the world today--including tens of thousands in the U.S.--are living under modern forms of slavery" (Potenza). defines human trafficking as the illegal practice of procuring or trading in human beings for the purpose of prostitution, forced labor, or other forms of exploitation. Human trafficking goes against individuals right to be free from slavery and their ability to protect themselves from torture. As the issue grows, it effects whole communities and basically everyone. Even in the biggest, most modern cities, there is human trafficking. Not addressing the problem could lead to an even bigger problem and a hole in our community. Human trafficking is an issue hurting millions of people all around the world. By only doing a small gesture and raising awareness towards this topic, we can educate the next generation to do what we were not able to do yet, and reduce human trafficking.
Topic Overview "The injustice, the outrage, of human trafficking...must be called by its true name--modern slavery," President Obama said in 2012. "I do not use that word, 'slavery,' lightly. It evokes obviously one …show more content…

However, the system had become a big part of the problem. The people who are dragged into this system are poor, weak, and don’t have much left. In most cases, when won’t try running away from the fear of being hunted, beaten, and killed by their pimps. Yet, when they do, they end up in a not much safer environment. Those people end up being part of the huge amount of population today who live under poverty, prostitution, and abuse. Law enforcement targets those people who will end up receiving convictions and a criminal record. Having that criminal record makes it much more difficult to leave poverty and try to build a better

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