Human Trafficking Research Paper

1284 Words3 Pages

Shaurya Singh
Prof. Avants
English MO1 C
February 2nd, 2015 Human Trafficking: Putting a Price Tag on Human Dignity

Let’s imagine the following scenario. There is a twenty two year old female foreign exchange student. She came to the United States on a (J) visa commonly known as exchange student visa. When she arrived, she met with hundreds of people. She started to learn about this country, its culture and many other things. On the last day of her stay, she was having a party with her friends. Two of her friends approached her and offered her a drink. After having the drink she fell on the floor and became unconscious. The next day when she woke up, she found herself chained to a wall in a small room. There were ten more girls like …show more content…

The room was dirty, it had yellow stains on the walls, a leaking roof, rat-infested, and also guarded by an armed man. The guard gave the girl spoiled oatmeal to eat and sewer water to drink. After some time a man walked into the room. He shouted at the girl and said, “You work for me now.” He burned her passport and other legal documents in front of her. Later he fastened her and covered her face with a black cloth. He then threw her in a car and after driving for about fifteen minutes he took her to a place with a really loud music. He took off her face cover and threw her on a platform. She stood up on the platform and looked around, she realized that she is in a strip club. The guy who brought her here forces her to dance and strip in front of the crowd. Every day, her traffickers picked her up from that unknown room, which she shared with other young women, who also worked at the strip club or some brothels. She just gets one meal a day and the rest of the day she spends dancing naked in front of the people. This …show more content…

Awareness campaign, defense training, regional and international initiatives can help in fighting human trafficking. Volunteers can raise consciousness among the common people by distributing leaflets or pamphlets or by organizing short lectures or discussion or extra classes in each school, colleges and universities. The Practice of daily exercise, marshal arts, karate, and judo can strengthen the mental and physical endurance of women against criminal offenses. Active administration with proper implementation of law and justice can destroy an entire chain of human trafficking. Combating human trafficking is an internal war between poverty and wealth, it need complete obedience of law, equity of economic status, broaden consciousness among people in all parts of the

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